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the restless people
Fabrikculture, Hegenheim ( France), 2006
" O you", so I thought, "with your gods, nature! I have dreamed it out, the dream of human things, and I say, only you live, and what they who know no peace have attempted and conceived melts away from your flame like beads of wax! How long have they done without you? O, how long have their tribe abused you, called you and your gods common, your living gods, your silent, blissful gods! Friedrich Hölderlin, Hyperion
The felt square is covered with the lettering of Hoelderlin's text. A blueish light shines from the opening revealing the square to be inhabited. The spectator will be attracted, come close, and bend down to discover a tiny populated internal world.

"Men fall from you like rotten fruits,oh, let them perish, for thus they return to your root; so may I, too, o tree of life, that I may grow green again with you and breathe your crown about me with all your budding twigs! peacefully and devoutly, for we are all sprung from the same golden seed! "You springs of earth! you flowers! and you woods and you eagles and you brotherly light! how old and new is our love!—We are free, we are not narrowly alike in outward semblance; how should the mode of life not vary? yet we love the ether, all of us, and in the inmost of our inmost selves we are alike..." Hölderlin